Carry out your next field operation undetected with this MIL-Spec tactical GPS Smartwatch. Features include: Night Vision compatibility, payments and music, scratch-resistant glass that houses solar-harvesting technology...
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???Tactical GPS Smartwatch
out your next field operation undetected with this MIL-Spec tactical GPS
Smartwatch. Features include: Night Vision compatibility, payments and music,
scratch-resistant glass that houses solar-harvesting technology, access to the
Applied Ballistics Bullet Library that contains more than 1,200 custom measured
bullets, turn-by-turn navigation, round-trip routing, access to 41,000 golf
courses around the world and more.
Made in the U.S.A., the patented Gear Tie Original is the most versatile way to wrap, hang and organize nearly anything. Featuring a strong bendable wire interior that holds its shape and durable rubber exterior, Gear Ties can be twisted, t...
Triumph’s TE-1 electric motorcycle is inching ever closer to production. The bike just completed Phase 3 testing with the final build of the prototype demonstrator and will soon enter Phase 4 which includes live testing. #Awesome
Fully automated, this robotic battery operated solution cuts grass day or night, rain or shine. Anti-collision sensors keep your pets and children safe and an anti-theft alarm keeps your mower secure from theft (A unique pin code required).
The ShelterCube Extreme is a 6' x 4' above-ground shelter designed specifically with tornadoes in mind, but useful in a variety of other emergency situations as well. Its quarter-inch welded steel construction will withstand up to an EF-5 t...
These hollowed out coins feature a slim storage compartment within and are available in a range of different sizes and denominations.
Grab a sheet of paper, fold it and go! Instantly put yourself in the cockpit of an amazing smartphone controlled paper airplane that does high speed tricks.
Filled with diabolical wit and wisdom gleaned from Skeletor's unrelenting campaign to wreak havoc on Planet Eternia, this informative guide is a must read for anyone seeking planetary domination.
This amazing device is the smallest and lightest Hydro electric powerplant in the World. It can be used by anyone with access to flowing water to produce and store electrical energy in an environmentally friendly way.
The preferred choice of recreational divers around the World, this DOT certified amazing little device provides enough air for up to 15 minutes of underwater breathing!